Carlsbad Family Law Attorneys
Honor Thy Mother: No Matter Your Circumstances
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Honor Thy Mother: No Matter Your Circumstances

On Behalf of | May 28, 2020 | Articles

Each year, we can count on Mother’s Day falling on the second Sunday of May. This is a day we celebrate the women who have nurtured children and given of themselves to no end.

The second Sunday of every month of May can also be a point of contention for some if they are in the middle or after-math of a divorce involving children.

“Your children are the greatest gifts your wife could ever give you,” said Attorney John Griffith. “They are still a gift whether or not the marriage stays intact.”

Griffith, who is a partner at Griffith, Young, & Lass (GYL), emphasized the importance of honoring the mother of your children on this holiday regardless of your relationship status. He understands the value of honoring the mother of his child from his previous marriage and knows he is impacting his son’s life, who is now a teenager.

“Appreciate who she is as a mother and the sacrifice that it took for her to bring your children into the world,” Griffith said.

This is an opportunity to set aside any negative feelings and simply honor the woman who is the mother to your child or children. Here are some tips on how to finesse your way through this holiday if divorce plays a role in your situation. There is always room for improvement just like all things in life.


This could be the first Mother’s Day celebrating as a single father, or the tenth. It doesn’t mean it will come naturally. The circumstances will be different for each family, but it is key to recognize the day for what it is and to know that it is a day to celebrate the mother of your child or children.

If you possess healthy communication with your former spouse, take a moment to thank her for all she has done. Although, if you find yourself in an opposing position and do not have the ability to properly thank the mother of your child or children, you can do so mentally, and again remember you wouldn’t have your children without your former partner.

Gift Giving

In our society, gifts are highly regarded on holidays. To some, Mother’s Day might be considered another “Hallmark Holiday” and another reason to stimulate the economy. A gift is a way to make a mother feel special and appreciated. Set a budget and take your child shopping or have your child pick something out online.

Do not do this in a hasty manner and let your child feel thrilled to give back to their mother. This is an opportunity to create a teaching moment between father and a child.

A hand-made gift also speaks volumes and is known to hold more meaning because the child used their abilities and talents to create something. Do it yourself gifts can make a mother cry tears of joy, while additionally being less costly. This is a wonderful option to honor her on this Mother’s Day.


Typically, the courts will grant the woman custody on Mother’s Day.

“As always, if there are serious reasons why the children should not be in the mother’s care, the court can put restrictions on visitation,” said Partner, who is another partner of the firm.

It is important to honor the time your child will spend with their mother on this day. Encourage your child to be on their best behavior during this time and to be sure to express their thankfulness for her.

We hope you can enjoy this day with your family no matter what you are going through. Happy Mother’s Day!
