Carlsbad Family Law Attorneys
You FILED! 3 Tips to Better Your Overall Well Being
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You FILED! 3 Tips to Better Your Overall Well Being

On Behalf of | Apr 7, 2019 | Divorce

The heavy glass door shuts behind you as you exit your local courthouse. You just handed over your judicial council forms to a court clerk who then put the original forms in a file that starts your court case. You watch as the clerk stamps your stack of paperwork with the “Filed” stamp, and so begins your court case. You have filed and you are the petitioner.

As the petitioner, you have done your part and now wait for the opposing party to respond. Relax, take a deep breath and keep reading. This blog post is for you.

We can fill your head with logistics and legal jargon. We can tell you all about how the respondent has 30 days to file a response with the court, however we will spare you for now and, we are confident you already know these things. Here are three things you can start doing immediately to improve your over all well being as you go through a tough time.

The Five-Minute Journal

We all have the free will to chose what we focus on and if you focus on what you are grateful for and chose to count your blessings, you will find more peace than you can imagine. The five-minute journal simply challenges its writer to list what they are grateful for. Next the journal asks what are three things that would make the day great? Pretty simple stuff, right?

You might say, “I am grateful for the ability to have a fresh start.” Then digging deeper, ask yourself how you are going to make this day a great one. You can shift the energy of your day to make it what you want it to be.

There is also a night portion of the journal. The writer lists amazing things that happened throughout their day and reflects on what could have made it even better.You know how we mentioned the opposing party has 30 days to file a response? Here is a challenge—do this for the next 30 days. Reflect after the 30 days on the positive changes in the way you think.

Clean Out Your Closet

As the Petitioner, we feel as though you have taken a step already to declutter your life. We applaud you and are with you. Try taking decluttering one step further and clean out your closet. Make a few piles of clothing to donate and in general simplify your closet space. Try the KonMari method, a system of simplifying and organizing by getting rid of physical items that do not bring joy into your life. You can also watch her show “Tidying Up” on Netflix to be further inspired.

Start small and go through your closet and maybe you will find yourself getting rid of some articles of clothing that remind you of that respondent of yours, and let it go.

Do You

You just made a huge and impactful decision and we are here to say, it is going to be okay. This step to file is only the first legal step. This is your time to reflect on what makes you happy and what drives you to move forward. Tune out the judgements and opinions of others. As a human being, you have your free will and you have an inner voice that can guide you to what makes you happy and what will make you flourish.

If you feel you need further support and do need others to hear you out, seek a professional through therapy.

We would love to hear from you. Please share with us your thoughts on our three tips and other tips to move forward while going through a divorce as the petitioner. Happy journaling, decluttering, and doing you!
