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Tips for telling children that their parents are divorcing
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Tips for telling children that their parents are divorcing

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2024 | Divorce

Parents often think a lot about how splitting up will affect their children. Once they determine that divorce is the only viable option, telling the children becomes a focus.

Taking the time to plan this discussion with their children is critical for parents. This isn’t a talk that will be easy for anyone. Considering these tips may be beneficial to help decrease stress associated with this conversation.

Choose an unrushed time

If you’re planning to discuss divorce with your children, selecting a calm, unrushed time is crucial. This conversation deserves a moment when there aren’t immediate obligations or distractions. This ensures the children have ample space to process the information and express their feelings.

Ideally, this discussion will be during a period where they can have both parents’ attention for questions and reassurances. It might be best to do this at the beginning of a weekend or holiday, so they have time to adjust to the initial shock in a familiar environment.

Tell them together

Both parents should try to present a united front when breaking the news of a divorce to their children. Doing so reinforces the idea that the decision is mutual and that parental support and love will continue despite the changes. This approach can help to mitigate feelings of blame or responsibility that children might otherwise feel. It also underscores the message that they are a priority for both parents.

Be prepared to answer questions

Children are naturally curious and will likely have many questions about the divorce. Parents should prepare themselves for various questions and respond with patience and understanding. It’s okay to admit if you don’t have all the answers immediately, but assure them that you are working together to find solutions that prioritize their well-being. Always be honest and avoid making any false promises.

It’s typically best for the parents to have a specific plan so they can provide stability for children starting at the initial conversation. Because of this, seeking legal assistance to get a parenting plan’s basic terms set sooner rather than later might be beneficial.
