A beautiful home in Coto de Caza, California sets the scene for the third episode at Tamra’s “not so happy” housewarming party and the drama is already on high alert. Kelly is sobbing and leaving the party early after having a run-in with the rumor queen Vickie, who as we mentioned in the past recap is a “friend of” housewife this season. She has been stripped away of her original housewife title, although we feel as though she is bringing more drama than any other legitimate cast member.
This recap is brought to you by Catie Young, who make up two-thirds of the Griffith, Young, & Lass Family Law firm. Catie have decided this episode could use both of their commentaries. Catie will take on the dynamics of Tamra Judge will once again be talking all things on Gina and her divorce.
Let’s get into episode three, “All Aboard the Rumor Train”. Choo Choo! Catie, you’re up first.
Catie Young: “I assist families in paving new roads as an attorney, but at home, I am the glue that holds mine together.”
Tamra Judge, who is in her early 50’s is looking fine as ever. I would love to know all her regimens and start implementing them now. As a Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) viewer over the years we have seen Tamra struggle. When she was introduced as a housewife more than a decade ago, she was married to Simon Barney and boy was she unhappy. Their marriage was something I’ve seen over the years in my experience as a family law attorney. They had such a disliking for who the other person was at their core and overall, lacked compatibility. It only took a few seasons for their marriage to completely unravel and in a season finale on the way to a party in the back of a limo, Tamra lets Simon know she wants a divorce.
The housewife became the divorcee facing the mountain that is co-parenting and unfortunately for her and Simon, this was not and would never be easy. Their disliking for each other grew into more of hatred and destroyed their family. Today we see Tamra with a husband, Eddie Judge, who is a compatible match for her. The two seem to enjoy the same interests and focus a great amount on health and fitness. I think this says a lot about the longevity of a marriage. I am thrilled to see this because I want my clients to feel hope for happiness after divorce. Divorce does not mean that life is coming to an end, but rather a new chapter can begin.
A wedding dress from 1998 is exposed in this episode as Tamra is helping her mom move into a new apartment. After all these years, Tamra’s mom has saved her dress. When Eddie sees the dress, he playfully suggests burning it. Tamra says the dress sparks bad memories. This white dress was symbolic to me as a hope all women (and men too) should have when going through divorce proceedings.
Staying positive and focusing on yourself is everything in this process. Good things will follow. It’s funny but I see a change in my female clients from the start of the case to the end. They gain their confidence back. Remember you will love again, and it’ll probably be a stronger, healthier and happier marriage because priorities tend to shift as we get older. This is what I see in Tamra’s life and marriage and I am beyond happy for her. I don’t believe she will have to call up a divorce attorney ever again.
When I kicked off the first-ever GYL recap of housewives I had the liberty of discussing Gina’s DUI and how it could and would affect her divorce proceedings. In this episode, Gina is shedding tears once again and this time it is not because of her actions. Gina is coming to terms with a secret she has been harboring for the past year. In season 13 she tells her castmates the news of her separation and divorce as a result of her and her former spouse, Matt “growing apart”. Her castmates saw right through her nonchalant attitude and knew there was something more she was not sharing.
Gina’s husband was having an affair, and this was the reason for their separation and divorce. In this episode, Gina is very emotional because she is finally sharing the truth to the demise of the marriage. Why would Gina hide her husband’s infidelity and why would she choose to expose it now? Fair questions, right
I bring this up because in my experience in family law, cheating changes everything. Gina tried her best to keep silent on Matt’s downfall to protect her young children. She didn’t want them to view him in a negative light and I respect that. Gina decides to now share the affair because she is further hurt as she found out Matt is in a relationship with the same woman from the affair. This has cut her deep and she can no longer act as though her divorce is “all good” and she and Matt are “buddy-buddy”.
The secret is out. Gina first shared the news with Emily, and it was not easy to do. She had quite the emotional breakdown and had to walk away saying over and over “I can’t do this”. As hard as it is, Gina should not let the reasons for the end of marriage cloud her judgment through the divorce. I often tell clients that divorce court is not the place to “get your pound of flesh”.
California remains a no-fault state, and there is no sign of that changing. It is important to stay grounded in the facts, listen to the advice of your legal counsel, and if children are involved to remember that your spouse is divorcing you, not your children.
With that being said, I hope Gina and Matt can co-parent in a respectful manner even though they have realized the friendship they had hoped for has and will change. I jump for joy when I see divorced parties’ co-parent in harmony. I am always sure to make certain those parties know what a great service they are providing their children by getting along and putting their children’s needs in front of their own.
Gina should be proud of the great mother she is, and I hope that she and Matt are able to look back on this tough time and remember it was a growing experience for both.
Until next episode,Catie.